Python Online Training - Python For Data Structures, Algorithms, and Interviews - Jose Portilla - A hugely comprehensive intermediate level course focusing on Python from a getting-a-job-perspective. Just do it. Covers everything from how to prepare a resume, to programming techniques likely to be in job interviews. There are often Udemy discount periods, or discount vouchers available online to reduce the course cost. US$19 for 20+ hours of video - excellent value!

YouTube Videos - So many of these, so where to start... I started with videos from old PyCon conferences for a broad range of topics in the Python world. Checkout Raymond Hettinger for some amazing advice.

Django Online Training

YouTube - GoDjango - A great range of free Django videos. The author has additional paid-for videos on his website.

YouTube - DjangoCon - Old DjangoCon videos offer a broad range of interesting topics and tutorials.

Data Science Online Training - Machine Learning (Stanford University) - Andrew Ng A great course - though heavy on the theory. If your linear algebra and calculus aren't great then it may be a struggle, but if your maths is up to it, this is the definitive machine learning course. Unfortunately for Pythonistas the exercises are in Matlab. Andrew Ng is a founder of Coursera and is on a mission to provide quality education to all - to that end, the course is free if you don't need a certificate at the end. Good on you Andrew! - Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualisation - Jose Portilla - Another great course by Jose (see above). Takes a very hands-on/practical approach to data analysis. Not overly theoretical. Discount vouchers are often available - google it. - Data Science and Machine Learning with Python - Frank Kane - Frank gives a comprehensive and practical overview of many machine learning algorithms - a great course. Discount vouchers are often available -google it.

YouTube - PyData - Old PyData videos offer a broad range of interesting topics and tutorials.

In-person training

I've only attended Data Science courses with Cambridge Coding Academy in London, UK - really great people who know their stuff.


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