- Import libraries and functions
- Create SparkSession using config options to support reading from S3 bucket
- Set useful output formats and options
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from itertools import chain
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from pyspark.mllib.stat import Statistics
jars = '/home/ubuntu/hadoop-2.7.3/share/hadoop/tools/lib/aws-java-sdk-1.7.4.jar:' \
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("USHealth") \
.config('spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl', 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem') \
.config('spark.driver.extraClassPath', jars) \
.config('spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') \
.config('spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') \
# set Jupyter to display ALL output from a cell (not just last output)
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'all'
# set pandas and numpy options to make print format nicer
pd.set_option('display.width',110); pd.set_option('display.max_columns',100)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 200); pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
Read two mapping files into dataframes¶
- Read files from Amazon S3 bucket into Spark dataframes
- Format columns as required to enable joins to dataset below
In [3]:
# read and process city FIPS to county FIPS mapping file
city_to_fips ="org.apache.spark.csv").option("header","true") \
# .csv("/home/ubuntu/project/data/uscitiesLatLongFIPS.csv")
city_to_fips = city_to_fips.withColumn("county_FIPS", f.lpad(city_to_fips['county_FIPS'],5,"0"))
city_to_fips = city_to_fips.drop("city","zip","id","source","population")
city_to_fips = city_to_fips.withColumn("city_ascii", f.regexp_replace('city_ascii', 'Saint', 'St.'))
city_to_fips = city_to_fips.withColumnRenamed("city_ascii","CityName") \
.withColumnRenamed("state_name","StateDesc") \
print((city_to_fips.count(), len(city_to_fips.columns)))
# read and process commuting zone to county FIPS mappingfile
cz_to_fips ="org.apache.spark.csv").option("header","true").option("delimiter", "\t") \
# .csv("/home/ubuntu/project/data/1990LMAascii.csv")
cz_to_fips = cz_to_fips.filter(cz_to_fips.FIPS !="None")
cz_to_fips = cz_to_fips.withColumn("stateabbrv", cz_to_fips["County Name"].substr(-2,99))
cz_to_fips = cz_to_fips.withColumnRenamed("LMA/CZ","cz")
cz_to_fips = cz_to_fips.withColumn("cz", cz_to_fips["cz"].cast("Integer"))
print((cz_to_fips.count(), len(cz_to_fips.columns)))
Read Life Expectancy HDFS file into dataframe and process¶
- Read file from S3 bucket into Spark dataframe and drop unneeeded columns
- Join to cz_fips dataframe to get county FIPS code (this creates lots more rows for life expectancy by county)
In [ ]:
life ="org.apache.spark.csv").option("header","true").option("comment",",") \
# .csv("/home/ubuntu/project/data/health_ineq_all_online_tables.csv")
print((life.count(), len(life.columns)))
life = life.drop("rownum","czname","pop2000","fips", "_c7","_c16","_c25","_c34","_c43","_c48")
life = life.join(cz_to_fips, ["cz"], "left")
print((life.count(), len(life.columns)))
# life.limit(2).toPandas()
Read Health HDFS file into dataframe and process¶
- Read file from S3 bucket into Spark dataframe
- Set CityName to "Average" for United States so we have a National row
- Filter out unneededed rows
- Calculate health score for each health measure (row) by multiplying by weights
- Format fields as required
In [5]:
health_R ="org.apache.spark.csv").option("header","true") \
# .csv("/home/ubuntu/data/project/500_Cities.csv")
print((health_R.count(), len(health_R.columns)))
health_R = health_R.withColumn("CityName", f.when(health_R["StateDesc"] == "United States", "Average") \
health_R = health_R.filter((health_R['Data_Value_Type']=='Crude prevalence') &
(health_R['GeographicLevel'].isin(['City','US']) ))
print((health_R.count(), len(health_R.columns)))
health_R ='StateDesc','CityName','Data_Value','PopulationCount','CityFIPS','Short_Question_Text')
weights = {'Health Insurance': 6,
'Arthritis': 3,
'Binge Drinking': 6,
'High Blood Pressure': 7,
'Taking BP Medication': 3,
'Cancer (except skin)': 10,
'Current Asthma': 4,
'Coronary Heart Disease': 10,
'Annual Checkup': -3,
'Cholesterol Screening': -3,
'Colorectal Cancer Screening': -2,
'COPD' : 10,
'Core preventive services for older men': -3,
'Core preventive services for older women': -3,
'Current Smoking': 7,
'Dental Visit': -1,
'Diabetes': 8,
'High Cholesterol': 6,
'Chronic Kidney Disease': 8,
'Physical Inactivity': 3,
'Mammography': -2,
'Mental Health': 6,
'Obesity': 7,
'Pap Smear Test': -2,
'Sleep < 7 hours': 2,
'Physical Health': 5,
'Stroke': 9,
'Teeth Loss': 1,
mapping_expr = f.create_map([f.lit(x) for x in chain(*weights.items())])
health_R = health_R.withColumn("Weight", mapping_expr.getItem(f.col("Short_Question_Text")))
health_R = health_R.withColumn("Score", health_R.Data_Value * health_R.Weight)
health_R = health_R.withColumn("Data_Value", health_R["Data_Value"].cast("Double"))
Build final total dataframe¶
- Build health1 dataframe with health data values all pivoted into 1 row for each city
- Build health2 dataframe of distinct state, city, population and FIPS
- Join the above two dataframes on state and city to get final health dataframe
- Join this to the city_to_fips dataframe to add the county FIPS code
- Finally create the total dataframe as a join of health and life dataframes
In [6]:
health1 = health_R.groupBy("StateDesc", "CityName").pivot("Short_Question_Text").sum("Data_Value")
health2 = health_R.groupBy('StateDesc','CityName','PopulationCount','CityFIPS').sum("Score") \
.withColumnRenamed("sum(Score)","Raw Score")
# normalise health score to range 0 to 100
min_score, max_score = health2.agg(f.min("Raw Score"), f.max("Raw Score")).take(1)[0]
health2 = health2.withColumn("Score",
(100*(1-(health2["Raw Score"] - min_score) / (max_score-min_score))).cast("Integer") )
# join back to previous dataframe to pickup info list in the groupby
health = health1.join(health2, ["StateDesc", "CityName"], "left")
# join to the city_to_fips dataframe to get county FIPS code
health = health.join(city_to_fips, ["StateDesc","CityName"], "left")
# print((health.count(), len(health.columns)))
# health.limit(5).toPandas()
# build the total dataframe from health and life
total = health.join(life, ['FIPS'], 'left')
print((total.count(), len(total.columns)))
print("\nCheck for any nulls - should be empty or just United States Average")
Get Best and Worst cities¶
Simple top and bottom 10 cities
In [15]:
top_bottom ="CityName","StateDesc", "Score")
print("Top 10 Best Cities for Health")
print("Top 10 Worst Cities for Health")
print("Interesting Cities")
interesting_cities = ['Champaign', 'Chicago', 'New York', 'Los Angeles', 'San Francisco']
Display Health Measure Correlations¶
In [14]:
corr_matrix = Statistics.corr(health1.drop("StateDesc", "CityName"), method="pearson")
# transform to dataframe so can easily and column and row names
dfcorr = pd.DataFrame(corr_matrix)
dfcorr.columns = health1.schema.names[2:]
dfcorr.index = health1.schema.names[2:]
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(19,19))
_ = sns.heatmap(dfcorr, annot=True, cmap='RdBu_r', annot_kws={"size": 8})
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